Boy Scout

Go beyond boundaries and meet a wide range of friends. That is "Boy Scout".

"The Boy Scouts is a global educational movement that aims to develop human resources who are mentally and physically healthy through activities that respond to children's curiosity and inquisitiveness.
When we hear the word Boy Scouts, we often think of camping, hiking, and street fundraising. Boy Scout activities are mainly carried out outdoors, and we value children's independence.
Through group activities, we aim to develop each student's independence, cooperativeness, sociability, strength, and leadership, so that they can become "full-fledged'' individuals.

(reference: Boy Scout Japan Federation)

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Boy Scouts 100th Anniversary Song

To commemorate the 100th anniversary, a new scout song was created from over 400 words collected from members across the country. I hope you all have a wonderful future. Boy Scouts are the coolest! !